There may be times due to illness or severe weather that a Treatment Associates office is closed. Please check this page for or call the main office for closure updates.
In other circumstances, we will do everything possible to notify clients ahead of time if groups are to be cancelled. However, there may be times group is closed with little or no advance notice. In the event that this does happen please call our office and leave a voicemail stating your name and that you attempted to come to group.
In an emergency situation and it is after hours, please call 911 for medical emergencies or your local mental health screeners for psychiatric emergencies.
However, if you have lost or had your medication stolen, please wait to call the office during normal business hours.
If you have not completed an intake with us, please call the office to schedule this before attending any groups. Thank you!
Zoom Meeting ID:_984 907 61688_Password:_No Password Needed
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301) 715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID:_914 5941 2324_Password:_No Password Needed
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301) 715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID:_991 200 73988_Password:_036618
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID:_956 0870 5150_Password:_302134
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301)715-8592
Zoom_Meeting_ID:_974 9018 1091_Password:_No Password
11Am_Sober_Skills_(Amber)(Early Maintenance)
In Person_at_the_Barre_Office
3PmOrientation(Amber)(all new clients must attend this group)
Zoom_Meeting_ID:_947 226 67675_Password:_657471
(OR)Call_In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866 _or_1(301)715-8592
Zoom_Meeting_ID:940 878 80427_Password:448768
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301)715-8592
Zoom_Meeting_ID:952 3665 7405_Password:550078
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301)715-8592
Zoom_Meeting_ID:_974 9018 1091__Password:_No_password
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301)715-8592
Zoom_Meeting_ID:_984 9076 1688_No Password
(OR)Call In:_1(253)215-8782_or_1(929)436-2866_or_1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 972 7050 6240 Passcode: No Password
2PM Seeking Safety (Amber) Invite Only (Starting August 7th)
In Person @ Imagination Station, Summer St, Barre, Upstairs Conference room
Zoom Meeting ID: 991 2007 3988 Password: 036618
(OR) Call In: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 956 0870 5150 Password: 302134
(OR) Call In: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 974 9018 1091 Password: No Password
(OR) Call In: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 984 9076 1688 No Password
(OR) Call In: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 991 2007 3988 Password: 036618
(OR) Call in: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 956 0870 5150 Password: 302134
(OR) Call in: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592
10 Am Triggers and Coping Skills In Person in the Morrisville office!! (Michael)
(Early Maintenance)
1 Pm Building Recovery In Person in the Morrisville office!! (Michael)
(Early Maintenance)
Zoom Meeting ID: 935 1449 0261 Password: 121212
(OR) Call in: 1(253)215-8782 or 1(929)436-2866 or 1(301)715-8592